Where Is Our Emmaus?

Luke 24:13-16; 30-35   NRSV All right, so imagine: something cataclysmic, unexpected, sudden, and scary just happened, and is happening. Can you imagine it? Hmm…somehow I think you can. So that’s the story here. We have two people feeling all kinda low and dragging their feet down a road. The foundations of their belief were rocked […]

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Communal Seeing

Luke 24:13-16; 30-35 Okay, let’s be clear here. If you identify as a Western Christian, you’re just a couple of weeks removed from April Fools’ Day—I mean, Easter. The dyed eggs are old and crusty, you’ve finished all the jelly beans, and Peeps are on sale at the grocery store. And yet, the story in […]

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